Márcio Hervé

Márcio is an Electrical Engineer from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS – 1975) and Master in Environmental Management Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ – 2020).

He worked at Petrobras from 1976 to 2014, the last 20 years as coordinator of Basic Engineering projects.

Since 2003, he has been an instructor in MBA courses in the area of project management at several institutions, such as; UFRJ, Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), Universidade Veiga de Ameida (UVA), in addition to giving workshops to companies such as Engevix and Dinsmore-Compass, among others. He was one of eight Nominees for the “Best Professor in the Project Management Area” by PMI-Rio, in 2019.

As a speaker, he presented papers at several seminars, being a keynote speaker at the National Meeting of Project Management at FIRJAN (RJ) in 2007. He also periodically publishes articles on his Linkedin page.Author of the book “Surfando a Terceira Onda em Gestão de Projetos” (Editora Brasport – 2017), and co-author of several others, including the title “How to become a Professional in Project Management”, the famous “book brown”, launched in 2003 by Qualitymark and considered a kind of “ground zero” in the literature on project management in Brazil. In this team, he was alongside names such as Paul Dinsmore and Ricardo Vargas, world references in the area.
