Whatever the learning environment, the teacher's role is very important. Many people may think that in distance learning there is no teacher (or tutor) or even that there is no need to have one, but this is far from reality. In distance learning, of course, there is no face-to-face interaction, but even so, the distance learning teacher is a very important figure in classes, as well as in traditional education.

In this case, our teachers are the ones who will set up your courses, plan all the content that will be taught, make the lesson plan and, effectively, record the video lessons. In addition, our teachers can plan extra materials and activities, come up with evaluative exercises and think of several other ways to help students learn. So, we can say that, in a way, our teachers fulfill practically the same functions as a face-to-face teacher, albeit in a slightly different way.

Our distance teachers are similar to being a face-to-face teacher, after all, they both have the same goals: to contribute positively to student learning. However, between the two modalities, the ways to achieve these objectives will be slightly different.

Meet the teachers
