Lideniro Alegre

Lideniro Alegre is a Civil Engineer, Petroleum Engineer, Master and Doctor in Petroleum from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles-USA. Retired from Petrobras with 36 years of experience in oil activities.

Alegre provided consultancy to PetroRio and to several companies interested in the Petrobras divestment process. He worked at IBP, REATE and ANP with contributions in the activities of mature and marginal fields in Brazil. Taught courses at IBP, ANP, in-companies and at Unicamp-Campinas.

He is currently director of OPLA Consultoria e Assessoria em Oil and Gas. OPLA provides consultancy and assistance in the sector upstream from the oil industry, performs technical-economic analysis of E&P assets for evaluation and/or acquisition processes, farm-in and farm-out. It also offers training in-company in the concepts of the oil industry. In addition to OPLA, he serves as COO of FOX-RUBICON Capital Partners.
