Gerenciamento Integrado de Reservatórios de Petróleo

Knowledge Area: Reservoir Engineering

Instructor: Manoel Leopoldino Rocha de Farias, Ph.D

Level: Introductory

Basic Requirements: Not required, but it is interesting to be preceded by the Petrophysical Properties Course.

Duration 4 hours
Info Special packages for companies
R$ 198,00


The course aims to transmit knowledge about the management processes of oil reservoirs, highlighting the role of the reservoir engineer, as well as the reservoir geologist, in optimizing the explotation of that reservoir.

The engineer or geologist who takes the course will be able to start the activities of managing an oil reservoir, as they will know the role of each team of specialists in the development of an oil field; understand the importance of data collection and its impacts on the project; will know the parameters of reservoir management and will understand the importance of monitoring the reservoir and its impacts on the good management of the deposit.


The course is intended for engineers, geologists, chemists, economists, administrators or professionals from any area who wish to acquire knowledge about the real process of technical management of an oil reservoir.


  • Integrated Reservoir Management
  • Some Data Sources
  • Reservoir Monitoring
  • Flow Assurance Issues
  • Presence of Contaminants in the Produced Current
  • Improvement Actions & Opportunity Identification
  • Follow-up Parameters
  • Typical Graphs Used in Reservoir Management
  • Numerical examples and solved exercises


Certificate issued upon completion of the course.


Manoel L. Rocha de Farias
Manoel Leopoldino Rocha de Farias, Ph.D.

Manoel Leopoldino is a Civil Engineer graduated from Uversidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF-1989). He studied Economics Engineering at Faculdade Machado Sobrinho and at Fundação Getúlio Vargas( FGV-1991). He holds a Master's degree in Civil Engineering, in the area of Structures, from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF -1995); He studied Petroleum Engineering at Petrobras University (2003) and holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering – Oil and Energy from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio-2013), including a one-year technical internship at the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Rice University, in Houston ( 2010-11).

He worked as a Reservoir Engineer, focusing on offshore deepwater fields, for 17 years at Petrobras, Shell, PréSal Petróleo (PPSA) and PetroRio. He is currently at Eneva dedicated to the redevelopment of mature onshore fields. He has outstanding performance in the areas of management and simulation of reservoirs and reserves; in technological cooperation projects with companies and universities and in the coordination of multidisciplinary work groups.

He is also a professor of Reservoir Engineering and Reservoir Simulation at Universidade Veiga de Almeida, since 2014.
