Garantia de Escoamento

Knowledge Area: Petroleum Production Engineering

Instructor: Roberto Carlos Goncalves de Oliveira

Level: Introductory

Basic Requirements: Not Required

Duration 6 hours
Info Course on demand
R$ 189,00


To transmit basic knowledge about the problems of flow assurance and deposit formation in facilities and equipment during the production and processing of oil and natural gas on land and at sea. This course will allow professionals responsible for monitoring and operating production systems a clear view of the associated risks and operational procedures capable of preventing or remedying the problems of deposit formation and guarantee of flow (viscous emulsions, hydrates, paraffins, asphaltenes, naphthenates and saline scale).


The course is intended for engineers, chemists, technicians in general, and professionals from any area who wish to acquire knowledge about the mechanisms of formation, combat and mitigation of deposit formation and obstruction of lines and equipment during the oil and gas production process. Natural.


General aspects
⦁ Composition of produced fluids (brine, oil and natural gas)
⦁ Theoretical foundations of emulsions and associated rheology
⦁ Theoretical foundations on hydrate formation, kinetics and associated problems
⦁ Prevention strategy and methods
⦁ Hydrate plug dissociation methods
⦁ Theoretical foundations of paraffin deposition
⦁ Methods of preventing paraffin deposition
⦁ Methods of removing paraffinic deposits
⦁ Theoretical foundations of asphaltene precipitation
⦁ Methods of preventing and removing asphalt deposits
⦁ Theoretical foundations of naphthenic acids and naphthenate formation
⦁ Occurrences of deposition of naphthenates in oil production
⦁ Methods of preventing and mitigating the formation of naphthenates. Case study.
saline incrustations
⦁ Theoretical foundations of saline fouling in oil production
⦁ Causes, occurrences and operational problems
⦁ Fouling prevention methods
⦁ Squeeze or continuous dosing scale inhibitors
⦁ Sulfate Removal Unit (URS)
⦁ Alternative techniques (magnetism and ultrasound)
⦁ Chemical method of removing salt scale


Certificate issued upon completion of the course.


Roberto Carlos Goncalves de Oliveira

Roberto Carlos has 35 years of experience in the Oil, Gas & Energy Industry, working at the Petrobras Research Center (CENPES), where he developed strong knowledge in the areas of flow assurance, separation and treatment of fluids (water, oil and natural gas) ).

His academic background involves a degree in chemical engineering (UERJ, 1984), a master's degree (COPPE/UFRJ, 1988) and a doctorate (COPPE/UFRJ, 20030) in materials and metallurgical engineering, an MBA in R&D management (UNICAMP, 2004), and several extension courses in Brazil and abroad, including advanced training in nanotechnology at the Particle Engineering Research Center (PERC) at the University of Florida (USA).

He has presented around 40 papers at international conferences, including the Offshore Technology Conference (Houston), Rio Oil and Gas Expo and Conference (Brazil), Society of Petroleum Engineer Subsea Forum (Italy) and SPE International Conference (Canada).
