Byron Souza Filho

Byron Souza Filho is a Metallurgical Engineer from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ -1986); Specialist in O&G Equipment Engineering by Petrobras in 1988; Master of Science from Coppe/UFRJ in 2001, in the area of Materials Engineering; Specialist in Natural Gas Technologies, by Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN-UNP); Specialist in Biogas and Biomethane Technologies, by Centro Internacional de Energias Renováveis - Biogás (CIBiogas-2020).

He worked for 33 years at Petrobras, having worked as a Maintenance and Inspection Engineer of equipment and structures at an Oil and Gas Unit; Senior Consultant in Pipeline Maintenance and Inspection; Manager of Construction and Assembly Technologies; Equipment Inspection Technologies Manager.

Also at Petrobras, he worked as an internal instructor in the disciplines of Material Selection, Welding, Maintenance and Inspection of Equipment, and as a visiting professor, in several teaching institutes, including: UFF, PUC-Rio, IBP, Senai-RJ CTSold and FAETEC, in the same subjects.

Since his retirement from Petrobras, in Jan/2020, he has worked as an independent consultant in the implementation of technologies in the Oil and Gas production chain, and in economic feasibility studies for the implementation of alternative energy generation systems, with a focus on Biogas.

Since Jul/2021, he has been a visiting professor at Universidade católica de Petrópolis (UCP/IPETEC), in the Equipment Inspection discipline.
