Sistemas Inteligentes para a Produção de Petróleo e Gás

Knowledge Area: Artificial Intelligence and Optimization

Instructor: Mario Campos and Jose Perez

Level: Introductory for Operators, Technicians, Engineers and Students

Basic Requirements: Not Required

Duration 7 Hours
Info Special packages for companies Course on demand


The course describes and discusses the application of different techniques of artificial intelligence systems, such as those based on neural networks, fuzzy logic, real-time prediction, etc., to support operators and engineers in the monitoring, control and optimization of processes and equipment. of oil and gas production. It also analyzes different case studies of the application of these techniques in the main subsystems of an oil and gas production unit, showing the impacts on the reliability, profitability and safety of the units.


Engineers, technologists and students of engineering and related fields. Instrumentation technicians, electronics, electrical, mechanical and process operators.


⦁ Introduction to intelligent systems: Fuzzy logic, neural networks and multivariable predictive control

⦁ Typical controls of oil and gas production systems
⦁ Control of the oil treatment plant
⦁ Control of the gas treatment plant
⦁ Control of the water treatment plant
⦁ Case studies – Presentation of different examples and techniques and their applications to oil and gas systems

⦁ Benefit analysis and conclusions


Certificate issued upon completion of the course.


Dr. Mario Cesar Mello Massa de Campos

Academic education

Military Institute of Engineering (IME) - 1984
⦁ Benefits analysis and conclusions Electrical Engineer (B.Sc.).
Petrobras SA 1985 - 1986
⦁ Analysis of benefits and conclusions Postgraduate degree in equipment engineering for the petrochemical industry (Ceneq – 85).
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro 1990
⦁ Master's degree in chemical engineering in the area of process control and automation (M.Sc.).
Ecole Centrale Paris – France 1997
⦁PhD in chemical engineering in the field of artificial intelligence and intelligent systems

Professional experience

PETROBRAS SA From 1985 to Feb/2021
Senior Consultant at CENPES (PETROBRAS Research and Development Center) in the area of Instrumentation, Control, Optimization and Process Automation. Participation in more than 30 basic projects of automation and control systems of processing units for the oil and petrochemical industry. Guest professor of the control courses at the Corporate University of PETROBRAS (Process and Turbomachinery Control Courses). Main achievements: development and implementation of a new strategy for the control of centrifugal/axial turbochargers at Petrobras units (more than 10 projects). Development and implementation of advanced control systems for several units, including the ethylene II unit at Copene (Petrochemical Company of the Northeast). Development and implementation of intelligent control and operation support systems on offshore production platforms (more than 50 projects implemented seeking to stabilize the plant, the subsea pumps - BCSS and the wells).. Received the Best Paper Award (Best Paper Award) during the International Conference & Exhibition of the International Society of Automation (ISA) in 1993. Winner of the Plínio Cantanhede Award 2008 from the Brazilian Institute of Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels with the work “Economic gains due to the improvement in the control of a gas processing plant Natural". Winner of the Best Practice Award (2009-2012) from the IGU – International Gas Union with the work “Optimization of Natural Gas Plant – Gains in Profitability, Stability and Energy Efficiency”. Winner of the 2012 Plínio Cantanhede Award from the Brazilian Institute of Oil, Gas and Biofuels with the work “The Benefits and Challenges of the Application of Advanced Control Techniques and Real Time Optimization in Offshore Production Units”. He is co-author of three technical books in the area of automation, control and optimization of processes, and has given a series of lectures at international events, such as during the International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes – ADCHEM 2009 in Turkey, during the 10th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering – PSE 2009 in Brazil, during the Process Modeling and Optimization for Energy and Sustainability Workshop – PASI 2011 (Pan American Advanced Studies Institute) in Brazil, and during the 7th International Conference on Integrated Operations in the Petroleum Industry – IO Center 2011 in Norway. He is also a member of the Sociedade Brasileira de Automática (SBA), has 4 patents in the area and has participated in more than 80 Masters and Doctoral boards in Brazil.

Dr. Jose Manuel Gonzalez Tubio Perez

Academic education

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - 1985
⦁ Electronics Engineer (B.Sc.).
Specialist in Process Optimization Control – 2004
⦁ Postgraduate in Control and Optimization Engineering at USP
University of São Paulo (USP) – 2006
⦁ Master's degree in chemical engineering in the area of process control and automation (M.Sc.).
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ/COPPE/PEQ) 2012
⦁ PhD in chemical engineering (D.Sc.)

Professional experience

PETROBRAS From 1986 to March/2021
Senior Consultant in the area of instrumentation, control, optimization. Worked on basic design, commissioning, assisted start-up and technical assistance in the areas of production, refining, transportation and petrochemicals at Petrobras. Participation in more than 30 basic projects of automation and control systems of processing units for the oil and petrochemical industry. Guest professor of industrial instrumentation courses, safety instrumentation according to N-2595, IEC-61508 and IEC-61511, PLC and DCS configuration, PI (Plant Information), industrial furnace and boiler automation, turbomachinery safety and process control regulatory and predictive multivariate of the Corporate University of PETROBRAS.
Main achievements: belonged to the group of large machines in the Campos Basin where he worked in the start-up and technical assistance of turbines and compressors on the platforms, designed and implemented a new strategy for anti-surge control of the refrigeration and cargo system at Petroquímica Union (PQU). He did the configuration in several DCS suppliers of control loops, supervisory screens and, in the dedicated interlocking system, the configuration of logics to protect several units of the Petrobras system. Configuration of automated start-up systems, such as industrial furnaces and boilers. Support for the design, development and implementation of the BR-Tuning software (PID control loop tuning). He is co-author of a technical book in the area of automation, control and process optimization. He participated in more than 10 Masters and Doctoral boards in Brazil.
