Knowledge Area: Renewable energy

Instructor: Ezequiel Costa Malateaux da Silva, M.Sc

Level: Introductory

Basic Requirements: Not Required

Duration 3 hours
Info 6x de R$ 90,00


To transmit knowledge about: the evolution of wind generation in Brazil and in the world; the different factors that influence the wind; fundamentals of anemometric measurement; wind turbine models and components; procedures to estimate wind power generation and comparison between onshore and offshore wind generation.


The course is aimed at engineers and professionals who wish to enter the wind generation sector or deepen their knowledge of this form of energy generation.


⦁ History and evolution in the world;

⦁ Wind: wind potential, effects of terrain, stability and height;

⦁ Wind Energy in Brazil: past, present and future;

⦁ Wind variability and probability distribution;

⦁ Anemometric measurement: towers, LiDARs and requirements;

⦁ Wind turbine models;

⦁ Commercial wind turbines – Part I: elements, control and environmental impacts;

⦁ Commercial wind turbines – Part II: calculation of energy generation and power curve;

⦁ Offshore Wind Generation: evolution and differences in relation to onshore wind generation.


Certificate issued upon completion of the course.


Ezequiel Costa Malateaux da Silva, M.Sc

Ezequiel Costa Malateaux da Silva is a Mechanical Engineer, graduated from
State University of Campinas (2012), with a double degree from the École Centrale de Lille (France). He holds a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering in the area of Thermal and Fluids from the State University of Campinas (2013) and is a doctoral candidate in Mechanical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He has been working since 2014 with research and development projects in the area of electricity generation at PETROBRAS, focusing on wind generation, having also participated in R&D projects on the topic of offshore wind generation.
