Gestão de Parcerias (Joint Ventures) e de Assuntos Regulatórios de E&P

Knowledge Area: Business in the Energy Area

Instructor: José Alberto Bucheb, D.Sc.

Level: Introductory / Intermediate

Basic Requirements: Not Required

Duration 6 hours
Info 6 x de R$ 188,00


Provide the student with knowledge about the regulation of Oil and Gas Exploration and Production activities in Brazil (E&P), with an emphasis on legal frameworks, the establishment of partnerships, the mechanisms for resolving commercial and/or business disputes, in the Unitization processes and in the other contracts of current use in the industry.


The course is aimed at lawyers, business administrators, accountants, engineers, geologists and other professionals who wish to acquire knowledge about the legal environment of business in the oil industry in Brazil, with a focus on the E&P segment.


  • Overview of E&P Activity
  • The Legal Regimes Applicable to E&P Activities
  • The Regulatory Framework in force in Brazil: Concession. Production Sharing and Onerous Assignment
  • Partnerships (Joint Ventures) in E&P activities
  • Private Contracts: Joint Bidding Agreement, Farmout Agreement, Consortium Agreement
  • Main provisions of the Joint Operating Agreement and Accounting Procedure
  • Dispute Settlement Mechanisms
  • unitization


Certificate issued upon completion of the course.


José Alberto Bucheb, D.Sc.

José Alberto Bucheb is a geologist, lawyer and bachelor in administration. He graduated in Geology at the University of São Paulo – USP, in Law at the State University of Rio de Janeiro – UERJ and in Business Administration at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRRJ.  
He obtained the titles of Master in Geophysics from the Federal University of Pará – UFPA, Master in International Law from UERJ and Doctor of Science from UERJ.  
He is the author of the books: “International Arbitration in the Oil Industry”, “Petroleum Law – the Regulation of Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production Activities in Brazil” and of technical articles in the areas of Law and Geology focused on the E&P segment.  
At Petrobras, he worked in the Exploration and New Business areas and held the roles of Pre-Salt Partnership Manager and General Manager of Petrobras University, among others. 
He was a professor at Petrobras and at the following institutions: Universidade Santa Úrsula, Universidade Cândido Mendes, COPPE-UFRJ, FGV, FUNCEFET and IBP (Brazilian Institute of Oil and Gas).  
He is currently a partner at Geolagos Geologia e Engenharia Ambiental and at J. Bucheb Sociedade Ind. of Law. 
